‘Meisjestehuis Curacao”, better known as “Casa Manita” is one of the organisations that originated from the ‘Stichting Jeugdzorg’.
“Casa Manita” is primarily a boarding school for girls mostly between the age of four (4) and fourteen (14). For practical reasons, such as keeping siblings together, the boarding school nowadays also houses a number of boys.
The stay at the boarding school is in principle of a temporary nature.
All involved are actively engaged with improving the home situation of the youngsters and limiting their risks at the home front, induced by the expectation that the children will eventually return to their homes but under more stable and safe circumstances.
During the after-school activities the fifty(50) boarders at Casa Manita learn amongst others: doing their homework, study independently, care taking f animals and growing of consumable(eatable) plants and herbs. These activities support the development of their self-reliance.
“Casa Manita” request our Institution to assist it with renovation and refurbishment of the existing ‘Study Hall”. As its name suggests this ‘Study Hall” is used for study purposes.
Th renovation works were completed by the end of 2017 and the refurbishment was on its way.
After completion of the refurbishment of this high quality after-school facility, in 2018, it has also been made available fo use by other children in the neighbourhood.